About NTM | Anuvadika

About NTM

National Translation Mission (NTM) is a Government of India scheme to establish as an industry in general and, to facilitate higher education by making knowledge texts accessible to students and academics in Indian languages in particular. The vision is to create a knowledge society by transcending language barriers. NTM aims to disseminate knowledge in all Indian languages listed in the VIII schedule of the Constitution through translation.
A combination of efforts is made to orient translators, encourage publishers to publish translations, maintain databases of published translations from, into and between Indian languages and to become a clearing house of information on translation.Through these efforts, NTM seeks to establish translation as an industry in India. It is expected to facilitate the modernization of languages by developing new terminologies and discourse styles through translation. Translators would play a significant role in the modernisation process, especially, of the academic discourse in Indian languages.

Knowledge text translation is the first step towards the goal of establishing translation as an industry. All textual materials meant for the dissemination of knowledge constitute the corpus of Knowledge Texts for NTM. At present, NTM is engaged in the translation of all pedagogic materials related to higher education in 22 Indian languages. NTM aims to open up the vast body of knowledge by translating the higher education texts, available mostly in English, into Indian languages. It is expected that this process will eventually pave the way for the constitution of an inclusive knowledge society.